Here is the extracted information about Talentum Temporal SAS:


Talentum Temporal SAS is a Colombian company that specializes in temporary job placement and recruitment services. The company was founded on September 29, 2005, and is headquartered in Bogota, Colombia.

Historia y Fundación

Talentum Temporal SAS was founded in 2005 by a group of entrepreneurs who wanted to provide a unique solution to the labor market. The company started as a small startup and gradually expanded its operations to become one of the leading temporary job placement agencies in Colombia.

Actividades Económicas

Talentum Temporal SAS provides a range of services, including:

Temporary job placement
Recruitment services
Human resources consulting

Información sobre Talentum Temporal SAS

Razón Social: Talentum Temporal Sociedad Por Acciones Simplificada
Nit: 900010068-8
Cámara de Comercio: Bogota
Número de Matrícula: 0001535173
Fecha de Matrícula: September 29, 2005
Tipo de Organización: Sociedades Por Acciones Simplificadas Sas
Estado de la Matrícula: Activa
Número de Empleados: 463879
Actividades Económicas: 7820-Actividades De Agencias De Empleo Temporal, 7830-Otras Actividades De Suministro De Recurso Humano
Información de Contacto/Domicilio: CRA 31 A BIS 4-16, BOGOTA D.C., BOGOTA D.C., COLOMBIA
Opiniones: 8.8/10 (Source: External Website)
Calificación Detallada: 9.2/10, 8.9/10, 9.0/10, 8.0/10, 9.1/10

Opiniones sobre Talentum Temporal SAS

Talentum Temporal SAS has an average rating of 8.8/10 based on customer reviews and feedback. The company is known for its professionalism, efficiency, and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Talentum Temporal SAS

¿Cuál es el número de empleados de Talentum Temporal SAS?
+ La respuesta es: 463879
¿Qué tipo de servicios ofrece Talentum Temporal SAS?
+ La respuesta es: Temporary job placement, recruitment services, and human resources consulting
¿Cómo contactar con Talentum Temporal SAS?
+ La respuesta es: CRA 31 A BIS 4-16, BOGOTA D.C., BOGOTA D.C., COLOMBIA, Teléfono: 2010795


In conclusion, Talentum Temporal SAS is a professional and reliable company that provides a range of services to its clients. With a strong presence in Colombia and a commitment to customer satisfaction, the company is a go-to partner for individuals and organizations looking for temporary job placement and recruitment services.

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